I'm getting tired of the same old routine I've been doing for two years. What can I do to get back the motivation to train that I once had?
It sounds as if you have a good old-fashioned case of boredom. If the mind has lost interest in lifting, that's a surefire recipe for reduced muscle growth and even stagnation. The
answer is to vary your routine so you can get those natural juices flowing again to push you on to victory in your training and competitions.
There are many different ways to vary your workout. You can change the number and type of exercises. You can do three exercises for a bodypart on some days and two or four on others.
At the same time you can raise or lower the number of sets per exercise so the total number of sets remains constant, or you can have high-volume and low-volume days.
Modifying the weights and the number of repetitions per set is another option. You can also vary the type of exercises by doing only compound movements with free weights for a while,
then switching to machines or isolation movements. Or try concentrating on presses one day and cables the next. Variations in arm and leg positioning can stimulate growth as well.
Experiment with your routine to see which variations work best for you. There is no reason to stick with a group of exercises just because you got some results. Maybe something else
will be even more effective. If not, go back to the first workout, or try something different. Just be sure to give yourself three months on a new system before you change your
training regimen again. Natural bodybuilding is a slow process, so it takes a while for your body to produce visible results from the stimulation of a new routine. If you switch
routines too quickly, you will never know what works and what doesn't.
Variety is the spice of life, and there are so many variations in weight training that you should never become bored with your routine. So seek out new options, and explore the
possibilities. You'll grow more and have more fun to boot!