Try as you may there are times when you just can't motivate yourself to do your best in the gym. You might be depressed about the way life seems to be treating you or bummed out because your muscle gains aren't coming as quickly as you'd like. You might also be bored with some
aspect of your life-even your training routine-and these negative thoughts can definitely impact your workouts. You can't have a great training session when you feel as if you're getting the short end of the stick at the gym, at work or in your social life.
At times like these you need to look around and find reinforcement for your long-term training goals. Don't just sit there and mope because things aren't perfect. This is the real world. Seek out reinforcement to help you on your chosen path-the path to major muscle size and
strength. Your reinforcement can take many different forms. For example, it could be a comment by your friends on your strength gains or how much you've grown lately; an observation by your training partner on how your new diet is taking hold and how the cuts and vascularity
are appearing on your body with each passing day; or an encounter with a new person at the gym who catches your eye. When that person smiles back, perhaps you start up a conversation that leads to a friendship and (who knows?) maybe more. The types of reinforcement are infinite
and depend on your particular feelings and desires. Regardless of how you get it, however, positive reinforcement is a great benefit, Focusing it and applying it constructively to your workouts will make a major difference in your training progress.
Getting positive reinforcement for all your hard work bolsters your enthusiasm for the muscle game and motivates you to hit the weights with renewed intensity This strengthens your drive to excel in the sport and enables you to drive right past that pizzeria without even looking
hack, knowing that the short-term sacrifices you make will pay off big in the long run. Reinforcement also provides new support for your commitment to drug-free bodybuilding. So what if it takes longer to reach your physique goal? At least the muscle growth is coming, and it's
the real thing, not some artificially induced effect that will soon go away.